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July 15, 2024

How Is The Production Process Of The Juice?

There are two ways to get the juice we daily drink. One is extracting or pressing fresh fruit and adding additives such as sugar, acid, and thickener according to the formula. Another is flavored with concentrate, water, and additives.

To get delicious and healthy juice, the package for the juice from production to peoples’s hand plays an important role.

About the production for juice, most customer’s main considerations are:

  • Easy to store and transport
  • Keeping the state and the freshness of the juice
  • Self-life of the juice
  • A reasonable price

So how is the production process of the juice?

Commonly it has at least 4 steps:

I Syrup Preparing System

  • Mixing
  1. Dilute the concentrated juice with pure water according to the recipe requirements
  2. Add sugar, acidulant, flavor and other auxiliary materials in the preparation tank
  3. Use a high-speed blender to mix thoroughly
  • Filter
  1. Use a diatomaceous earth filter or a 200-mesh filter to filter
  2. Remove impurities and particles in the juice to improve clarity
  • Homogenization
  1. Use a high-pressure homogenizer, the pressure is usually 20-25MPa
  2. Make the particles in the juice smaller and more uniform, increase stability
  • Degassing
  1. Use a vacuum degasser to remove oxygen from the juice
  2. Extend shelf life and prevent oxidation


II Sterilization

  • Use UHT instant sterilization or pasteurization, the UHT sterilization temperature is usually 92-94°C, the time is 18-20 minutes
  • Cleaning and sterilizing packaging containers (PET bottles, glass bottles or cans)


III Filling

  • Use a 3-in-1rinsing, filling and capping machine for filling and capping


IV Labeling and packaging

  • Labeling according to product requirements
  • Final packaging and boxing


More about juice filling machine knowledge, waiting our next post!

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